
Help Taiwan to be treated equally!

In many international events, Taiwanese People have been treated unfairly. This is our voice telling the world that we want our country and our people to receive equal amount of treatment and recognition in any places, in any time.
The point I want to make is: our country might be small in your eyes; our bravery is definitely greater than what you thought.
家一樣受到相同對待的發聲. 我要說的重點是:...我們的國家在你們眼中或許很小,但我們的勇氣是絕對比你們想像中的好.

We are a developed country, we have Nobel Prize winners, we win gold medals in Olympics, and we are ranked 24th in GDP per capita in the world. We design and build your laptops, bikes. We have Academy Award winning directors. We have everything a great country should have. WE DESERVE BETTER RECOGNITION!!!
我們是個已開發國家. 我們有諾貝爾獎得主. 我們拿過奧運金牌. 我們在全世界區塊GDP榜上排行第二十四. 不管是你手上的筆電, 還是你騎的腳踏車大部分是我們的技術. 我們有奧斯卡最佳導演. 一個國家該有的我們都有. 我們應該得到更多的關注.

English is not my native language, but I know some of you in the world would understand my words. Take a moment of truth. If other countries had been bashing and bullying your country, how would you feel?
英文不是我平常談論時用的語言,但我知道這世上某些人一定懂我說的話. 請用片刻時間來思考事實:

Not only Taiwan, but also many other countries has been treated the same way as we are for a long time. Your support will make a difference, and help my country.
不單單只是台灣,世界上 也有很多國家跟我們一樣長期受打壓.

Please ask everyone you know to support Taiwan!!Thanks!Taiwan is a well-educated country, which will not use any improper method to protest.


Dans plusieurs évènements internationaux le peuple Taiwanais a été traité injustement. Utilisez votre voix pour faire partager et faire entendre au monde que notre pays et notre peuple souhaite recevoir un respecté égale et être traité justement. S'il vous plaît demandez à chaque personne que vous connaissez de soutenir Taiwan! Merci!

Por favor, pregunte a sus conocidos que el apoyo de Taiwán! Gracias!Taiwán es un país bien educado, que no va a usar cualquier método inadecuado para protestar.

Bitte sagen Sie jederman aus, wen du wisst,um Taiwan zu unterstüen! Taiwan ist ein gebildeter Staat! Wir würden nicht mit ungeeigneten Methoden protestieren.

أرجو منك و الأصدقاء أن تشاجعونا التايوان! نحن مثقفون منها و نريد أن نعارض بأسلوب مناسبة . شكرا لكم !

Asks ทุกคนให้การสนับสนุนไต้หวัน!
ขอขอบคุณ! ประเทศไต้หวันมีสไตล์! เราเป็นปึกแผ่น!

당신의 모든 친구분들한테 이 글을 전달해주시고 우리 대만을 성원해주시기를 부탁드립니다.
우리 대만은 품격있는 나라이기 때문에 부적한 방식이나 수단으로 절대로 사용하지 않습니다!
많이 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.


活動原發起者:Vivian Huang
Twitter籌備組:Emma Huang
文章修改.撰寫.翻譯:Eric Wu
活動.影片宣傳:Cathy Yu

This clip aims to declare Taiwanese point of view over the controversial taekwondo game. It may not be a perfect video clip, but so does this world. China has suppressed Taiwan for a long time and in many cases, especially by using dirty tricks on international games.We hope you can join us, find out what the truth is. If you want to know more detail, check Taiwanese reports. DO NOT TRUST EVERY WORDS SAID BY CHINESE AUTHORITY!!
(posted by Cathy Yu)



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